On Tuesday morning, December 17, 2019, Principal Steve Clarke at Dixon High School brought his Energy Bus program to Kiwanis. It was a true learning experience for the audience as we heard an innovative program for high school education inside and outside the classroom. Principal Clarke said that “positive people + positive energy = positive results.” In math terms and this may need to be verified, Pp x Pe = Prx3 (Pr cubed). This is the Energy Bus.
The Dixon Bulldogs motto of “Love, Serve, Care” is at the heart of the Energy Bus and the mission that Steve embraces for his students, teachers, staff, and families at Dixon High.
Dixon High School an Energy Bus Certified School. photo credit: Dixon High website
Principal Clarke arrived at Dixon High in 2014 along with his wife who had become Principal at Meadow View Elementary School at that time. His wife adopted the Energy Bus program for her elementary school shortly after it became widely successful in Texas elementary schools. As he observed the success his wife was having with the Energy Bus for Schools Leadership Journey he decided to try it at his high school.
Principal Clarke announced during the ‘Big Reveal’ assembly that Dixon High was boarding the Energy Bus for Schools Leadership Journey. The mission = “Love, Serve, Care – #TheBulldogWay” What does it mean? Here are some of the thoughts he associated with the Energy Bus: ”Growth by being better every day” “Hold each other accountable” “Caring about doing their best” “You get to do something rather than have to” “Fuel your ride”
Of course, teachers as positive leaders are the nucleus of the Energy Bus. Teachers put a positive spin on the nucleus protons with “One Word” like ‘positivity, responsibility, etc.’ When students demonstrate ‘Love, Serve, or Care’ in their school environment, teachers write out a ‘Fuel Your Ride’ ticket. Each student is then invited to the Principal’s Office to be recognized. One of Principal Clarke’s goals for the Energy Bus is to have more students coming to the office with ‘Fuel Your Ride’ tickets than those with disciplinary slips.
Last Updated: February 24, 2020 by mbenson
Energy Bus Stops at Dixon High
Principal Steve Clarke, Dixon High
On Tuesday morning, December 17, 2019, Principal Steve Clarke at Dixon High School brought his Energy Bus program to Kiwanis. It was a true learning experience for the audience as we heard an innovative program for high school education inside and outside the classroom. Principal Clarke said that “positive people + positive energy = positive results.” In math terms and this may need to be verified, Pp x Pe = Prx3 (Pr cubed). This is the Energy Bus.
The Dixon Bulldogs motto of “Love, Serve, Care” is at the heart of the Energy Bus and the mission that Steve embraces for his students, teachers, staff, and families at Dixon High.
Principal Clarke arrived at Dixon High in 2014 along with his wife who had become Principal at Meadow View Elementary School at that time. His wife adopted the Energy Bus program for her elementary school shortly after it became widely successful in Texas elementary schools. As he observed the success his wife was having with the Energy Bus for Schools Leadership Journey he decided to try it at his high school.
Principal Clarke announced during the ‘Big Reveal’ assembly that Dixon High was boarding the Energy Bus for Schools Leadership Journey. The mission = “Love, Serve, Care – #TheBulldogWay” What does it mean? Here are some of the thoughts he associated with the Energy Bus:
”Growth by being better every day”
“Hold each other accountable”
“Caring about doing their best”
“You get to do something rather than have to”
“Fuel your ride”
Of course, teachers as positive leaders are the nucleus of the Energy Bus. Teachers put a positive spin on the nucleus protons with “One Word” like ‘positivity, responsibility, etc.’ When students demonstrate ‘Love, Serve, or Care’ in their school environment, teachers write out a ‘Fuel Your Ride’ ticket. Each student is then invited to the Principal’s Office to be recognized. One of Principal Clarke’s goals for the Energy Bus is to have more students coming to the office with ‘Fuel Your Ride’ tickets than those with disciplinary slips.
Visit Dixon High School website
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