Tammie Parris

About Our Speaker

Tammie Parris serves as Director, Pender County Economic and Workforce Development at Cape Fear Community College. This year she was elected as the President and incoming chair of the Greater Topsail Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism.

In addition to her other roles in the community, Tammie talked to us on Tuesday morning as President of the non-profit Pender Education Partnership or PEP. Due to COVID, the traditional Annual Spelling Bee Fundraiser had to be cancelled last year, one of the biggest fundraisers that PEP holds for the Pender County School District. Many local Kiwanians know that for years Dave and Linda Stipe have been strong supporters of the Spelling Bee and several members of our Club formed teams to compete and donate.

Given some of the same concerns over COVID for the Spelling Bee this year, Tammie came up with an idea for a new event to support the PEP. Thus, ‘Support Our Seniors’ or SOS is a new event that will be an ‘Open Mic Night’ on Friday, June 4, from 6-9 pm at the Burgaw Middle School Field.

One of the headliners will be a performance by the talented GideonsRevel! However, the main idea behind the open mic event is for anyone who has or wants to overcome their stage fright and has a talent to perform whether it be singing, playing a musical instrument, practicing a comedy routine, or what not, and wants to support PEP is invited to sign up and perform. Please follow this link to Sign Up

President Carrie Hewitt (rt) of the Kiwanis Club of Topsail Island Area presents a $500 check to Tammie Parris as a Silver Sponsor for the PEP event. In addition, our own Les King offered Tammie and PEP a $500 matching gift challenge that was matched almost immediately by Kiwanis members in the audience! If you or your company also would like to support this PEP event follow this link to their web page
